Life series 1 (1995〜 )

The theme is common shapes and patterns that constitute a life.
They have similar structure regardless of their sizes.
This series includes recent works in which I try to show the life growing endlessly along with the multiplication of cells.
The pattern of the multiplied cells is irregularly reflected on the shiny surface of bronze, which leads viewer to the imaginary world.

Please click potograph.

 Memory of life 34

   Memory of life 35

  Memory of life 39

Memory of life 40

  Memory of life 42

 Memory of life 43

Memory of life 45

   Memory of life 47

 Memory of life 51

 Memory of life 52

 Memory of life 54

   Form of life 55

 Form of life 56

   Form of life 57

  Memory of life  58

 Memory of life 79

   Memory of life 80

  Departure of life 81
